Pedal Pumping Feet - Sexy pedal pumping girls - Page 9

This mistress loves to play with cocks and that is why she loves stick shifts. Whenever she drives, she always gets a nice feeling as she feels as if she is riding or playing with a dick whenever she changes gears. And also her stick shift gives her more control over the car than her automatic car does. And she loves that the same way she loves being on top.

When mistress Claudia's boyfriend told her that she was a bad driver, she challenged him to drive in heels. She wore then and he wore another pair of hers and she challenged him for a race. She drove a stick shift and he drove an automatic. They raced but he could not keep up. He had never known she was that kind of driver as she wiped the floor with him.

This mistress is great at driving. And she drives a stick shift. She loves it because it gives her all the control she wants and given that she loves to be in charge, that works out well for her. Today she had a booty call which she had to rush to and she got there in minutes after getting behind the wheel, revving the car and stepping on the gas to her destination.

Lady Alice was almost getting late for her appointment and she knew she had to speed in order to get there in time. So she got into her sports car and she revved up the engine, put the stick shift into gear and she sped off. She was wearing heels but she managed to get there in time because she pushed the car to the limit and got the pedal to the metal.

This guy had conned mistress Tiffany and when she realized, he was already off in his car. She got into her stick shift and she thanked God she had a sports car. The guy did not expect her to have such a fast car. She sped off after him and she floored the gas pedal and soon enough she had caught up with him. She blocked him and he stopped. She gave him a beating and taught him a lesson.

Mistress Luna loves to drive when she is comfortable and today she was wearing her sandals. She wanted to go for a drive so she did not bother to wear anything sexy. Her comfort was key as she was not planning on meeting people. She sped off and drove like a pro because she was comfortable. She enjoyed passing cars and making guys mad as they tried to catch up but in vain.

Mistress Vendetta's boyfriend believed that she was not a good driver and she wanted to prove him wrong. So she got into her car and he got into his. She was wearing high heels and he did not think that she would beat him in a race. But she got in the car, revved the engine and she sped off. She floored the gas pedal and he did not catch up with her and that is how he never underrated her ever again.

Mistress Melady loves an easy life. And everything was going great for her until she was given a present which was the best thing she had gotten as a gift until she tried it. Her boyfriend loved playing games so he bought her a brand new manual car. She loved it but when she got inside, she had troubled driving it. He laughed his head off as she had trouble balancing the pedals and putting the car in gear. But she resolved to learn.

Lady B loves to destroy things for fun. And today being a weekend and she had no plans, she chose to inflate the various toys in her house and then spend her time crushing and destroying them. It counted as exercise for her as well as a chance for her to do what she loves. She only stopped to eat and rest before she resumed her crushing until everything was destroyed.

Lady Stefanie is mighty proud of her ability to drive a stick shift. When driving a sports car, that is the only way she feels a sports car should be driven. It makes her feel like she is in control and it makes her look and feel sexy. In addition, it makes gives her a lot of confidence. When her friends ask her what her secret it, she tells them her car but they do not understand.

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