Pedal Pumping Feet - Sexy pedal pumping girls - Page 12

Being a tall person, this mistress has no problems reaching her car's pedals. She therefore finds it inconvenient to use her high heels to drive. She loves simplicity and comfort whenever she drives and that is why she does it in her sandals. She finds it so easy and effortless and she is able to feel the pedals and pump the pedals efficiently since she has more contact with them.

Mistress Christin loves to drive using her stilettos. She is a short mistress and does not reach the pedals easily. Without her heels, the driving experience is not as fun as it is when she drives using her heels. Besides that, she also loves to drive manual cars so she does more pedal pumping that those who have automatic cars. She therefore never drives her car without her high heels.

This mistress had gone to the farm and when she came back, her shoes were full of mud. It was late and she did not bother to clean them before she went back to the city. She got into her car like that and she drove her manual car back home. She made all gas pedal, brake pedal and the clutch dirty as she stepped on those pedals. But she knew her slave would clean it.

This mistress wanted to make sure she knew how to drive a stick shift. She was used to automatic cars and had to teach herself to drive a stick shift. She went and bought one and taught herself how to step on all the pedal and when to do it. She enjoyed driving it more than her other cars because it was more engaging to drive and she had more control.

Lady B wanted to go for a drive and whenever she goes for a fun drive, she likes to do it in her manual car. She does this so that she does not forget to drive a stick shift. She also does it because it is a lot of fun. She loves how she revs up the car and changes gears. The automatic one is boring since it is just stepping on the brake pedal and the gas pedal.

This mistress woke up and found her car had a problem. She needed to go somewhere urgently and the only car in the compound was her boyfriend's stick shift. She did not have good experience with it but she had no choice. She started it, revved it and stepped on the clutch and gas pedal using her heels. It was challenging but it got her where she wanted to go and was fun in the end.

Madame Marissa knows her friend is very competitive so she challenged her to drive a manual car. She loves manual cars herself so she knew it would not be a challenge. But it was a big one for her slave and even though she tried, the only thing she did well was step on the gas pedal and the brake pedal. The clutch and changing the gears was a challenge for her. Madame Marissa won the competition hands down.

Lady B loves pedal pumping and not just in her car. She loves anything with a pump that she can step on. Today she was blowing up an inflatable pool. She enjoyed stepping on the pump and inflating it. It was so much fun that she not only inflated it, but she also deflated it over and over again so that she could pedal pump and inflate it again. It became a game for her and not about the pool anymore.

Madame Marissa is a sports car enthusiast. And like many of them, her car is a manual one. She likes how she control her car from the clutch to the brake pedal and the gas pedal to changing the gears. She loves how she revs it up and produces mad vibrations and how she makes it accelerate fast and she is able to zoom past other motorists on the highway.

While may mistresses prefer to drive in flat shoes and then wear their high heels when they get out of their vehicles, for Lady Jasmin it is the opposite. She likes to drive her stick shift using high heels. It does not inconvenience her when she is pedal pumping. She changes her foot from the gas pedal to the brake pedal easily while the other one engages the clutch. Then she wears flats when she gets out of the car.

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