Pedal Pumping Feet - Sexy pedal pumping girls - Page 6

Mistress Kira loves to pull off crazy stunts and today she did it as she used her pedal pumping fetish to do it. The mistress sped off and when she was on cruise control, she took her feet and placed them on the dashboard and enjoyed the view and the comfort even though it was not very safe to do it. But she did not let it go on for a long time.

Mistress Machina is a driving enthusiast and she loves to try things she knows her friends cannot. Today she flaunted her tight spot maneuver skills which she was sure her girlfriends could not be able to pull off. As they marveled at what she had just done, she brushed it all aside as if it was something small and that she was used to doing. But for them it was a big deal.

Mistress Sandy felt that her husband needed to try something he had never tried before. And since she wanted something she could easily win against him, the mistress chose to make both of them drive with high heels on. As they did, it was so easy for her but it was extremely difficult for him and he could not move far. He had to give in and agree that she had won hands down.

Mistress Zhanna knows that not everyone is able to drive in high heels and so she loves to flaunt her skills because it is something that she can do that many people cannot do. And she made sure she had a video to prove it. In a few minutes, she had managed to gain some points for being a badass girl. She enjoyed all the fame she got as she posted the video on her social media pages.

Mistress Luna wanted to dominate this guy because she did not want him to think of her as weak and she did not want him to continue hitting on her. So she put an end to all that by racing him and winning hands down. He was very proud and he could not say anything as he had been defeated by a girl and by a mile. She got what she wanted.

Mistress Lea is an adrenaline junkie and she does a lot of thinks that the average girl will not do. She loves to live dangerously and today she was at it again with her speeding. She wanted to floor the gas pedal and so she ensured the pedal was pressed to the metal and she enjoyed as the car responded to her instructions and sped like she had never done before.

Mistress Lea felt like her head was full and she needed to clear her mind and to blow off some steam. She did not know anything better than her sports car at helping her deal with such stuff. So the mistress slid behind the wheel and she went for a long drive in her car and as she sped off and left a trail of cars struggling to catch up with her, the rush helped her clear her mind.

Mistress Lea wanted to show off her super car and she did it by revving it as loud as she could and then speeding off. She was driving in her high heels to show the guys that they could not match her and if they wanted to compete with her, they had to try and do it in high heels. The mistress even had the guys time her to find out the kind of time she would do.

Mistress Lea did not know much about cars until her boyfriend introduced them to her. Not your regular cars but sports cars and how fast they could go. And from the minute she felt the orgasmic vibrations and the adrenaline rush of speeding and leaving everyone behind, she fell in love and she has never looked back since. And her goal is to be better than her boyfriend and she is nearing her goal.

Mistress Luna and her boyfriend love cars and they love fast cars. They both have sports cars and they like to compete. Today mistress Luna felt good and she was sure she was going to win. So they got behind the wheel and as they shifted the cars into gear, she had her focus and vision firmly on winning and from the way she handled the car and pushed on the gas pedal, she had no doubt she would win and she did from start to finish.

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